Videsh Seva Kendra

Relocation to other Country with family

Relocation to other Country with family

Moving to another country can be difficult because it means being far away from your family and friends. You might feel lonely at first, especially if you were used to having a busy social life in your home country. To help with this, it’s important to try to make new friends by joining clubs or other activities. It’s also important to communicate with your family and make sure everyone can talk about how they are feeling. This is especially important if one partner is working and the other is not, as the non-working partner might find it harder to adjust. Moving abroad is not always easy, but with some effort and communication, you can build a new support network and feel more at home in your new country.

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Losing extended family

Moving abroad often means leaving behind extended family members, such as grandparents, uncles, and aunts. This geographical distance results in a significant change in the family dynamic, as the support and points of reference provided by the extended family framework are no longer readily available. The absence of close relatives can lead to feelings of isolation and a sense of loss, especially if the family had a close and supportive relationship with their extended family members.

Need for social connections

In a new country, the family may find themselves without the usual network of friends and extended family members they were accustomed to in their home country. As a result, building a new network of social connections becomes crucial to create a sense of belonging and support. Having a social circle in the new country helps the family adapt to the cultural and social aspects of the environment, providing opportunities for socializing and engaging in meaningful activities.

Building a new network

To cope with the challenges of being far away from familiar social circles, the family needs to actively seek out and build new relationships in the new country. Each member of the family, including parents and children, will need to make an effort to establish connections at school, work, or through leisure activities. Being proactive in meeting new people and participating in community events or clubs can ease the transition and create a sense of belonging in the new environment.

Importance of communication

Moving abroad is not without its difficulties, and effective communication within the family is crucial during this time of transition. Each family member may have unique feelings and thoughts about the move, and it's essential to create an open and supportive space for sharing these emotions. Effective communication ensures that everyone's needs are understood and addressed, promoting a sense of togetherness and collaboration as the family navigates the challenges of starting a new life in a foreign country.